Sunday, 17 April 2011

Intiview with Jordan owner of Crunch-Host

My first intiview but I will be doing alot more from now. Hope you enjoy the inside scoop of the owner of

Running a host is hard work. How do you ballance the job and your own time togther whilst still been on the support forum too?
My job in IT although very demanding allows me time between tasks to constantly monitor my company (crunch-host), I really enjoy being the brains behind the company so I have no problems giving up my spare time to keep us running.

You giveaway many things, do you feel this helps you get activity?
I feel our current members deserve a thank you for the loyalty shown to us, also it helps bring in new faces to the forums and hopefully long term members in the long run.

What would you reccomend or suggest to someone who wanted to make there own host?
I would suggest start small, many hosts make the mistake of trying to be bigger than they really are, start on a reseller and as you require upgrade to a vps or dedicated box, it saves you money and ensures you can maintain your company over a long period of time without bein in profit. Also I would suggest reading up before you delve in, offer your work at a host also so you can get a feel for things before jumping in at the deep end.

How do you deal with hack threats? 
We welcome them, our software and network level protection is more than capable of dealing with DDOS attacks and our constant monitoring keeps rouges at bay.

Having peoples private information in some cases how do you prove you can be trusted with it? 
With us being a registered company we have to follow the data protection act otherwise financial penalties could be imposed, not that we would we value our clients and our clients data more than most hosts and ensure these details cannot get into the wrong hands by vetting any staff member who have access to private information before employing.

Being a free host how do you pay for the many things and high cost of all the features you need? 
We are funded mainly through our sponsors and advert networks, Softlayer our datacentre sponsor us as a partner due to our good cause and high profile project. I also have the ability to fund the company single handedly if the need arises and funding stops. Quality comes at a price and it is worth it to see our company grow.

Offering many different free things do you think this gives you an advantage to other hosts?  
Yes, many free hosts couldnt dream of offering all at once, our unique selling point is the vast quantity of free products and we will continue to add more products in the near future.


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